Chat Events
VPchat offers its members a wide array of chat events that include trivia contests, truth or dare games, chat point shops, chat paint contests, and even auditorium events.
Chat events are usually small, group activities run by VPchat members. Some of the more popular events include sports, pop culture, and music trivia contests. Chat events can also be more utilitarian in nature. VPchat hosts chat events dedicated to technical support and the creation of web pages. VPchat also has a dedicated group of members that host poetry and psychic chat events. Finally, what list of chat events would be complete without a session of Truth or Dare? The best part about online Truth or Dare games is our members don’t actually end up stripped down to their socks—as far as we know.
Another type of room that VPchat members truly enjoy is the Paint shop. Paint shops are places where chatters exchange and create avatars. These avatars have been found, created from scratch, and most have been enlarged. Some people use specialized software programs to enhance or add text to the images that they use in VPchat. Many Paint shops hold contests where chatters judge who’s presented the best or most interesting avatar. Many Paint shops are extremely welcoming of newcomers. They are often very happy to share the knowledge they have accumulated about making their avatars works of art.
Finally, VPchat offers an auditorium for larger community events. The auditorium is a unique feature of VPchat and can accommodate thousands of chatters at a time. Just like a real auditorium, VPchat’s online version has a stage, seats, and a podium. Chatters park their avatars in a seat and can both communicate with the stage as well as the other members in their aisle. Auditorium events are moderated so that the people on the virtual stage can control the event and make sure everyone can “hear” what is being presented. The most common types of auditorium events are avatar pageants and unveiling the latest features from VPchat.
Chat events are unique feature of VPchat. Many of our members have communicated that chat events are their favorite part of our service.